Highest Peak is a healthy, allergen-friendly, and friendly medicine-based edible company created by students of the Entrepreneurship Center at JWU for the JWU Sharkfest. Their goal is to create THC protein bars for athletic and health-conscious consumers. 
This project was originally brought to the class as a one-day support group to guide the students in the right direction design-wise, as they were stuck and needed advice. After talking with the whole class, it was decided our class would take it as an extra project for the semester. First, everyone was to design and sketch their logo using the information given to us by the entrepreneurship team. Sticking with the brown and green colors, I started making my logo designs based on the old logo presented to us. Using mountains and symbolism of athleticism hidden in each one to continue the theme of the brand. After the logo process, it was narrowed down to the mountain and sunset combination. In the end, my logo did not get chosen, but helped participate in the final logo and package design as shown on the last page. 
The Highest Peak Team ended up winning second place in the JWU Sharkfest of 2024.

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